Recent Roundcube Docker Builds

Published: 05 December 2021

After the release of Roundcube 1.5 and the recent security updates we have also published new Roundcube Docker images. We’d like to highlight a few changes to the latest builds and give some general information about the Roundcube Docker images:

Version 1.5.1

After we removed as the default spell checking service in version 1.5.0 the 1.5.1 images now come with aspell pre-installed and a new env variable named ROUNDCUBEMAIL_ASPELL_DICTS to define aspell dictionaries to be installed for spell checking. Adding them all by default would significantly increase the image size and thus they are installed on demand.

For those who want to connect with an external spell checking API ( or self-hosted) the env variable ROUNDCUBEMAIL_SPELLCHECK_URI is available too.

See the README file for detailed descriptions of these variables.

Redis support built in

The new images for versions 1.4.12 and 1.5.1 now have the PHP Redis module included which allows to configure Redis as caching engine or session storage backend.

Image tagging schema

The Roundcube Docker images are available in three variants (apache, fpm and fpm-alpine) and can be referenced by <version>-<variant>. In addition to the exact version we also publish tags like 1.4.x-<variant> and latest-<variant> which can be used to pull in automatic updates for the according major release branch. The latest tag is an alias of latest-apache.

Docker Compose, Kubernetes and Helm Charts

Have a look at our examples for complete setups with MariaDB or Postgres and Nginx using docker-compose or a set of Kubernetes resources. Besides the plain containers and the docker-compose examples, there are also two Helm Charts for Roundcube currently available:

If you find bugs or have feature requests, please open issues at the roundcubemail-docker repository.

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